The truBody Experience in West Des Moines, IA

When combining two therapies truSculpt iD and truSculpt Flex this is the truBody experience

Nonsurgical body contouring with truSculpt® iD and truSculpt® flex is a non-surgical treatment that utilizes monopolar radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic technology to kill fat cells and help tone muscles. Most patients have nonsurgical body contouring done on their thighs, buttocks, flanks, abdomen, and back. Unlike some other treatments, the truSculpt iD and truSculpt flex technologies are safe and effective for all skin types and have much shorter downtimes. At Iowa Face + Body Med Spa, we offer nonsurgical body contouring to help patients achieve their ideal figures without all the time and discomfort associated with more invasive treatments. Contact our West Des Moines, IA facility today to schedule your initial consultation to learn more about nonsurgical body contouring with truSculpt iD and truSculpt flex.


For those hoping to further sculpt their abdomen, flanks, buttocks, and thighs, the truSculpt flex could be an appealing option. It involves the placement of handpieces, which can be arranged in a variety of areas in order to achieve the patient's desired results. These handpieces then stimulate the muscles, taking them through three different modes designed for preparation, tone, and sculpting. 


truSculpt ID can involve six different handpieces that can allow for more versatile and customized treatment options. Able to be used on the abdomen and flanks, this technology utilizes deep dermal heating for overall fat reduction. Our team at Iowa Face + Body Med Spa utilizes truSculpt ID radiofrequency technology alongside truSculpt flex to provide personalized care for your best possible treatment results. 


Ideal candidates for truSculpt iD and truSculpt flex nonsurgical body contouring are those who:

  • Have small to medium pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise
  • Are at or near their ideal stable weight as nonsurgical body contouring is not a substitute for lipo
  • Want to enhance the appearance of muscles
  • Do not have metal implants, a pacemaker, or an internal defibrillator
  • Are not pregnant or expecting to become pregnant


Anesthesia is not required for nonsurgical body contouring since it is a non-surgical procedure. At your initial consultation, you will have agreed upon your treatment areas with our nurse. During your treatment, the truSculpt iD and truSculpt flex handpieces will be heated and applied to the designated treatment area or areas. They use monopolar RF and multi-directional stimulation technology to target the fat and therapeutically heat it, causing it to break down and die. Additionally, the muscles are stimulated for a more tones appearance. Most patients report that the treatment feels similar to a hot stone massage.


Patients may experience a little redness, tenderness, or slight irritation, but these symptoms should only last a few days. Because truSculpt iD specifically targets fat cells, it does not disrupt or harm the skin of the treated area. truSculpt iD works to tighten the skin and reduce fat cells by focusing on depth, dimension, and definition. Many patients achieve a 24% reduction in fat cells in just one treatment.


How much does nonsurgical body contouring cost?

Nonsurgical body contouring treatment costs depend on the number and size of the areas being treated. During your initial consultation at Iowa Face + Body Med Spa, we will discuss the results you are aiming for and determine a treatment plan to suit your needs and budget. We will also talk with you about possible alternative payment plans that we accept at our facility.

How does truSculpt work?

The truSculpt technology utilizes radiofrequency energy to heat up and kill targeted fat cells. The energy is applied to your treatment areas in controlled, comfortable pulses of heat. Your body then eventually reabsorbs the destroyed fat cells and eliminates them. The radiofrequency energy also stimulates collagen production, which means your results continue to get better over time.

How soon can I go back to my normal routine?

The nonsurgical body contouring procedure with truSculpt does not involve any incisions, stitches, or anesthesia — so there is virtually zero downtime. You will be able to safely get back to your normal daily routine almost immediately.

How many sessions will I need?

This number is different for every patient. Some may see their ideal results after one session, while others require two or more. At your consultation, our nurse will discuss the number of treatments she estimates you will need. Also, some treatment areas may need more or fewer sessions than other areas you have done.

When can I expect to notice the results?

Patients typically start to notice results in about six weeks, with their optimal results showing around 12 weeks after treatment. It takes time for the destroyed fat to be absorbed and eliminated from the body. Touch-up treatments that are done at 6- or 8-week intervals will have similar timelines for noticeable results.


If you are at or near your ideal stable weight but have stubborn trouble areas, nonsurgical body contouring with truSculpt may be the solution for you. Contact Iowa Face + Body Med Spa to schedule a consultation with our nurse and get one step closer to achieving your ideal figure.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.

Cutera Trusculp ID

About truSculpt iD

You know the body you want, down to the last curve. This is why you deserve to define your body with personalized, quick, body sculpting treatments. With Cutera's latest fat reduction technology, the truSculpt iD, a new body sculpting solution has been designed with this in mind. Utilizing the amazing power of radiofrequency heat, the truSculpt iD is a hands-free device that allows for fat reduction in stubborn areas, which can be addressed at one time. Depending on the areas of the body you wish to address, this advanced technology has the ability to use up to six hands-free handpieces, which can effectively treat the abdomen and flanks, as well as other nearby body parts that require reduction.

With truSculpt iD, you can get the body definition you want, even in bulky areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. Unlike surgical liposuction, truSculpt iD does not require needles or an incision of any kind so there is no lengthy recovery period. While the treatment is performed in about 15 minutes, your results will gradually appear over a 12-week period. You will see that the truSculpt iD is worth the short wait!

Read more about Trusculp ID >

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